Fear The Spoon (Version 3.0)
Updates History
What is Madness?
Midnight Rants
The Spam & Hat Show
Z Apaato
Links of Doom
About Me
Contact Me

Here is the history of all my updates. Ahh... Such wonderful history. Let's take a moment to enjoy it. Ahh... Yep. Nothing quite like it.

12/25/02 - Odd... It's Christmas day. Why is that odd? I don't know. Anyway, today I am working on my very own site of, you guessed it, madness. Sure, it may be incomplete, devoid of pictures, and disorganized, but...well...that's about it. So there is you.
01/01/03 - Happy New Year! I am updating many parts of this site, as well as adding new pages. For those who are visiting the site, everything is working properly now. For those of you who are not viewing my site...well, I guess it doesn't matter, since you can't read this. Oh well, your loss. Anyway, check back often for more updates!
01/10/03 - Yeah, I know it's been a while since I last updated the site, but hey, you can't rush insanity. I added the Midnight Rants page, which should fill up quite fast when I return to college on the 19th. I also put up a Quotage page, but it still needs to be filled up. In the future, I will put up a page dedicated to videos, pictures, and sound clips. The page will be called "The Buffet of Awesomeness".
01/22/03 - OK, so I was like "Hey! I should update my site of madness for all the good boys and girls who are waiting patiently!" and then I was like "But I really want to finish this sandwich first...", and so here I am, with a full stomach and a mind ready to deliver the craziness you crave! I have added a new page called "Kyle's Pyle", dedicated to a mysterious lifeform that exists in my dorm room. This weekend, I will update the other pages on my site and hopefully add some more. I can't forget that I'm at school to learn, but I can sure as hell try!
01/31/03 - ...and so I said to the two-headed baseball player, "Hey, are you gonna finish that?" HAHAHA! What an awesome joke! Updates, updates, updates...where to begin? I have successfully updated the Kyle's Pyle page and added more links to the Links of Doom page. If Tripod behaves like a good little website tomorrow, I'll try and add more goodies. Madness like mine doesn't come cheap, ya know. Time is valuable for wasting. Remember this, always.
02/12/03 - With one final blow, the Avatar felled the mighty beast of Laziness. Victorious, the Avatar stood tall over the remains of his foe, wondering if Wawa is still open 24 hours a day. Yes, I know that I haven't updated this site. Yes, I am aware that I may have lost many of my frequent visitors (all 3 of them). And yes, I am aware that I'm wearing no pants. Updates are as follows: The Mustainisms page is now up and running. Also, I have created a new show that you can only see at this site called "The Spam & Hat Show". I am not responsible for the sudden loss of mental functions as a result of watching the show, but I AM responsible for any belongings taken during the viewing. Heh, heh, heh. My lawyer is advising me to shut the hell up now, so I will.
02/15/03 - Once again, I return. I have made minor updates to each of the pages and have added more Mustainism quotes and Midnight Rants. I would do more to the site now, but Tripod is being very slow and crap-like. [Insert random curse word here]
02/20/03 - Just stopping by with some minor updates. I updated the Midnight Rants page and added an Update History page. This weekend, I may add more pages and goodies for all of you to marvel at. Knowing how I am with updating this site, it would require a large sack of money to appear on my desk if I were to definitely update the site on the weekend. Not like it's a hint or anything... (Leave the oneyme under the attme.)

Parts harmful if swallowed or injected directly into eye.