Fear The Spoon (Version 3.0)
Links of Doom
What is Madness?
Midnight Rants
The Spam & Hat Show
Z Apaato
Links of Doom
About Me
Contact Me

Behold! Associated Madness!

Fhe Porgotten Tages
- Here are the links to previous pages that I cannot or will not update due to various ethical, religious, and legal problems. I could try to update these sites, but the next update could take 10-15 years, depending on behavior.

The Pyle

Updates History (Old)

Here are the sites of my friends at college...

- Russ's Procrastination Central.

- Geoff's (Insert Name Here).

- Josh's favorite webpage.

...and here are some miscellaneous sites of interest.
(Eventually, this will be filled up with links, but for now, just enjoy the blank space, free of charge.)

Look behind you! A three-headed monkey!