Fear The Spoon (Version 3.0)
The Spam & Hat Show
What is Madness?
Midnight Rants
The Spam & Hat Show
Z Apaato
Links of Doom
About Me
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Due to the excessive crappiness and laziness of the creator of "The Spam & Hat Show", no visuals of the main characters will be produced. If you like the show, please send me e-mails and lots of money, or just the money.
(Due to the success of Z Apaato, The Spam & Hat Show episodes will become increasingly more violent and disturbing, resulting in the harming of many helpless yet annoying characters. Any problems with this change in the show can be addressed to the following consecutive string of periods...)

Act II:
Orange: Hey guys! My name is Orange the Can Opener.
Hat: What kind of dumb name is that?
Spam: Dumb name? Who said anything about getting dumb names? I want a dumb name!
Hat: Your name IS dumb, dumbass!
Spam: Oh, sorry 'bout that. Continue.
Orange: 'Orange'-ya glad to see me? Hahaha...
Hat: Hahaha, I hate you.
Spam: Now now, hate is such a strong word. Say something like "I am greatly disgusted by you and wish for your eternal suffering and damnation". That has a nicer ring to it.
Hat: Nah, I prefer to use the word "hate", although the eternal suffering and damnation bit is a nice touch.
Orange: Uh-oh, that doesn't sound very 'a-peeling'! Heh heh...
Hat: Die.
*Hat pulls out a gun and shoots Orange*
Spam: Nooo! Why God, why!
God: Annoying and useless oranges piss me off, that's why. Now shut up or I'll smite you or something.
Spam: Okey Dokey!
Hat: Haha, God said 'piss'...

Act I:
Spam: Hey Spam! How's it going?
Hat: Wait a minute...YOUR name is Spam! What the hell are you smoking?!...And where can I get some?
Spam: Smoking? You know that's bad for you. You gotta inject it directly into the vein. Didn't repeating the 12th grade five times teach you anything?
Hat: No, I don't remember much since I spent it in a locker. You gotta remember that I'm a hat. Hat's don't go to school for education.
Spam: But you are talking, aren't you? Hats are not supposed to talk!
Hat: Since when did you discover logic, anyhow? Spam is supposed to be a food product. Are you enchanted spam with the ability to think logically and annoy people with that logic?
Spam: Yes. Yes I am.
[Attention all readers. If the following has not reduced your mind to a substance that resembles red jello (not green jello because it sucks), then please continue reading. I won't accept any of that no-sugar jello crap. That stuff pisses me off.]
Hat: What do you plan on doing this weekend?
Spam: Being eaten, probably. Then going for a trip...
Hat: Your use of subtle hints to describe a fate worse than death amuses me to the point of wishing for death. Your death.
Spam: Well, I try. Spam is very limited in its abilities. We are a food group, and sometimes a source of nuclear power.
Hat: So which is it today?
Spam: How the hell am I supposed to know? Do I look like a typewriter?
Hat: No...but that is.
Spam: Huh? All you did was say "No...but that is." and point at me!
Hat: Whoops. My finger was attracted to your stupidity.
Spam: Your finger finds me attractive?
Hat: No, because I don't have fingers. I have this crappy plastic band thingy on my back that makes annoying clicking noises because the people who made me were cheap bastards.
Spam: You have issues. May I recommend this?
Hat: Yes?
Spam: Actually, that was all that I had to recommend, which was this.
Hat: "This" is a word, not a recommendation!
Spam: It is? Hmm. Me not so smart since I didn't get to go to school. I sat around in a can for a long time until someone opened it up and screamed in horror. I can still hear the screams in my dreams...
Hat: Spam can have dreams?
Spam: Hell, we are having an intelligent [note to readers: this term is being used EXTREMELY loosely here] conversation, aren't we?
Hat: No, all I hear coming from you right now is just a series of gurgles, plops, and sickening noises.
Spam: Then how do you know what I am thinking and saying?
Hat: No clue. Let's ask our creator. Why do we exist?
Elkan: Don't ask me. Do you think I really know what I'm doing right now? I have just created a talking hat and a pile of spam that can have dreams. Get back to your conversation before I wear and eat you...both...at the same time. Ahh fuck it. I'm hungry now. Mmm...Hat...

Please check you brain cells in at the front desk.