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Four Crazy People, One Crazy Place
(A Day In The Life Of Stuff And Junk)

Starring: Khan, Roos, Shwa, and Goff
Guest Starring: Inanimate Objects

(12/25/03) Episode 3:

Khan: I recommend that you be either as far from me or as close to me as possible. I forget which.

*Khan lights his fart on fire*

A few minutes later...

Roos: I've never seen hair burn away so quickly. You can even see the bruise marks from the times we threw random things at his head!

Shwa: Yeah, those were the days...

Goff: I have returned!

Roos: It's a shame we couldn't get a picture or a video of that.

Shwa: Damn, I wanted to make a collage of 'Khan-on-fire' to really capture the essence of the moment.

Goff: Traffic was a bitch, and a group of people kept making weird faces at me...

Roos: What the hell are we gonna do now? The hair on his head is completely gone and it's starting to smell like...burnt hair in here.

Goff: ...probably had something to do with the 5 car pileup across the median...

Shwa: Maybe light a match? No, wait, that only works with farts and oil spills.

Goff: ...luckily my car landed right side up and rolled out of the ravine...

Roos: There's not much we can do now. There isn't much we can do around here anyway.

Goff: ...and then I brought back my game system in this bag all safe and sound. So what do you think...

*Without a word, Shwa and Roos swipe the bag from Goff and dart towards the next room*

Goff: Umm, aren't you forgetting something guys?

Shwa: Huh? Oh shit, almost forgot.

*Shwa fills a bucket with water and then extinguishes the flames that have engulfed Khan's body. After a few more minutes, Kahn regains consciousness.*

Khan: Oooh, the game system was brought back! Yay!! You don't mind if I stand and play, right? Cuz I lit my butt on fire.

Duh Ehnd

(10/29/03) Episode 2:

Khan: ...and so this proves my theory that blunt trauma to the head will cause people to say insane things.
Shwa: I think I'll be a Biology major!
Goff: I don't think you hit him hard enough.
*Goff hits Shwa upside the head with a sock filled with acorns*
Shwa: !rojam ygoloiB a eb ll'I kniht I
Khan: Whoops, I think you broke something. Try hitting him downside the head.
Roos: No, wait! Let me hit him with my pillow from my top bunk-bed!
*Roos takes a swing and misses, causing him to fall 5 feet and bounce off the floor*
Roos: Ouch. What time is it? ...Oh, nevermind.
Goff: Quick! Fetch me the stick!
*Khan quickly retrieves the "Stick of Poking"*
Goff: Now poke Roos with it!
*Khan starts beating Shwa with the now re-named "Stick of Beating"*
Khan: Say something that makes sense, dammit!
Shwa: I...I...I don't want to study! I want to play video games all day and attend easy classes!
Khan: That's more like it.
*Khan proudly puts away the once again re-named "Stick of De-motivation"*
Goff: Now that's over with, let's help Roos back onto his bed so he can fall off again.
Khan: Sure thing!
Duh Ehnd

Behold! Fiction imitating real life!

(10/22/03) Scene 1:

*Attractive Young Woman walks up to the front door of Z Apaato and rings the doorbell twice*

AYW: Hello? I need to use your phone for a minute...

*Windows suddenly open up and a wall of darts fly at the AYW*
*Now Not So Attractive Young Woman slowly regains consciousness*

NNSAYW: Wh...what just happened?

Roos: You rang the doorbell more than once. Hello, my name is Roos and this is my gun.

*NNSAYW flees in terror*

Khan: Hey! You dropped one of your teeth! Come back! Teeth!

*Khan runs for 5 feet and then collapses on the sidewalk*

Goff: It's funny 'cuz he forgot how to run.

Shwa: I like shoes. They cover my feet when I eat.

Goff: Indeed. Indeed they are nice.

Roos: Dammit, that's the third one this week. Maybe I should finally post the rules for doorbell usage.

Goff: And ruin a good chance for Khan to get some exercise? I don't think so.

Khan: Ow, I landed on a radial nerve.

Shwa: Let's eat pizza now.

*Shwa, Goff, and Roos all go and eat pizza while Khan sits and pokes at his motionless everything*

Khan: Hmm... So that's what my spine looks like...

Duh Ehnd

I am the sofa king!